Welcome To FitnessFest 2020 Virtual
and your hub for BeatBoss™ Master Classes
in ONDemand™ and LIVEStreaming™ Formats.

By viewing BeatBoss™ branded proprietary contents on this page or affiliated pages, social media pages and/or BeatBoss™ informational/training documents you agree to not hold BeatBoss, LLC and its representatives liable for any injury you might accrue. BeatBoss™ works hard to be safe and affective for all fitness levels and the content on this page is specifically geared toward introducing viewers of all fitness levels to learn more about BeatBoss™ Indoor Biking and its Methodology. You also agree that you will not utilize the contents of this page or affiliated pages, social media pages and/or BeatBoss™ training documents or it's BeatBoss™ branded methodology in your classes or train others in indoor cycling utilizing your gained knowledge by attending this organized lecture/workshop and Master Classes. Only Certified BeatBoss™ Instructors can utilize BeatBoss™ Methodology to instruct classes and only authorized BeatBoss™ Headquarters staff are authorized to train and coach individuals in the branded methodology.
Questions? Reach out to us either phone, text or email.